Myth of the Week

Myth: Isn't it true that pit bulls account for more dog attacks than any other breed?

Fact: No! This is one of the most common perceptions about the pit bull, and it is a myth. The truth is that pits are no more dangerous than the next breed of dog--actually, it is just as dangerous as the Number One family dog of 2012, the Labrador Retriever. In fact, pits match Labradors in size and strength, yet outdid them in temperament--so who's to say that Labradors are actually the more dangerous dog?
The media often portrays faux statistics or "selectively" reports dog attacks--meaning that they often select the attacks that involve pit bulls to show on the nightly news because they make the biggest splash! This leads to many peoples' (mislead) notion that pit bulls account for over 50% of dog attacks and bites in the country.

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